Linda Grashoff's Photography Adventures

Posts tagged “Northern Ohio

Some Barns of Northeast Ohio

June 12, 2022

Wandering back roads yesterday, I saw a lot of barns.

1 I originally wrote as the caption for this photo: “Most farmers in Ohio grow only soybeans and corn. But in the past many kept dairy cows. I like the old barns with ramps for the cows to enter the building.” But I was wrong. This (June 12) morning I received an email from my childhood friend. She wrote: “Your barns of course are nice to see. Those ‘ramps’ of dirt leading up the the side of the barn (under the large double doors) are not for cows. The cows are in the lower level and enter at the end. Those doors open, and the tractor with hay wagon drives in. There is a pulley with large forks attached which is let down and grabs huge batches of hay off the wagon and then is pulled along a track to the side of the barn floor and opened, and the hay is dumped.  Someone up top with a fork kind-of hand distributes it around. Remember, I was a kid living on a farm and spent days in the haymow watching and sliding down those huge piles.” Thank you, Gerty!


3 Is the white siding a decorative touch or an unfinished project?




7 I photographed this barn in April 2017, too.

Some buildings display their history. There must at one time been a door to the left of this no-longer-functioning window.

The number and letter are new since 2017. Since the wall around the corner had an N below the 4, I think directions are indicated. A nearby outbuilding was marked with 3. I didn’t see any buildings marked 1 or 2.