Linda Grashoff's Photography Adventures

The Farmhouse Grounds in 2019

August 25, 2019

While I love photographing inside my friend’s farmhouse, the grounds are likewise appealing. One of the traditions for farmhouse owners and guests is going out after dinner to watch the sun set over the fields and trees. As I was walking to the viewing spot, I turned around and saw where the late-day sun had flung warm patches of light into the darkening woods. While I was at the farm, the sunsets were modest, but the shared experience of anticipating, then viewing them brought joy nonetheless. Photograph #6 is of the threshold to the viewing spot, proving that you don’t need a sunset to appreciate the view, even if it is obscured by trees. The next two photographs prove that you don’t need clear skies and copious sunshine to photograph the outdoors. This grouping ends with my find on the property of some of my favorite things: hoses. You can do a search of this blog on hoses if you like; you’ll get more hits than you might imagine.












13 responses

  1. For almost all of human history nobody would have seen the world through a grid like the one in #7 and #8.


    August 25, 2019 at 6:40 AM

    • I think you’re right, Steve, considering that almost all of human history took place when we were still living in caves. 🙂 But I understand your comment and thank you for it.


      September 15, 2019 at 9:07 PM

  2. Love the clever framing in #9. And the hose image right below it (which made me smile).


    August 25, 2019 at 2:13 PM

  3. I love the way the light hits the tree trunks in #1 and #2. Very nicely composed, Linda. I have long appreciated your hose shots, too, and these are really nice. I think most photographers have one or two odd choices of subject matter they can’t resist shooting. I love shooting manhole covers (excuse me – they should be referred to as “maintenance access covers”). I have another friend that shoots laundry hanging out to dry. It’s a big world but why not pay attention to the little things?


    August 25, 2019 at 6:04 PM

    • I absolutely (and obviously) agree, Ken. I wasn’t sure #1 and #2 worked, but since they did for you, I’m content. By the way, isn’t it about time for some cosmic cookie sheets from you?

      Liked by 1 person

      September 15, 2019 at 9:13 PM

      • Be careful what you wish for!


        September 15, 2019 at 10:21 PM

  4. Good pictures, my friend, but the one that knocks me absolutely flat is 9 – its the silhouette of the stairs inside the window and that lovely golden colour; purely as I see things, I might have made the window larger in the frame and/or presented the shot in portrait format – but then that’s just my view. A 🙂


    August 26, 2019 at 9:07 AM

    • Pleased to have knocked you flat, Adrian, as long as I didn’t hurt you. Your view is sort of my view on this photograph. I tried it as a vertical and closer up, but liked this shot better when it came time to choose.

      Liked by 1 person

      September 15, 2019 at 9:18 PM

  5. This is a fun series, going from the sublime-feeling twilight landscapes to the deadpan, if I can use that word, hoses. I’m very fond of #7 – the screen’s softness complements the scene and I love the bits of detritus and water stuck on it, and the graceful curve it takes. I like #9 very much too, and I think the horizontal boards are a nice counterpoint to the shapes in the center (a portrait view might be too obvious). Damn, that’s a long hose, I’d hate to have to haul it around. Nice kinks though! 😉


    August 27, 2019 at 9:50 PM

    • Leave it to you, Lynn, to see things in my post that I didn’t. Yes, sublime to deadpan—you’re right. Maybe it was the obviousness of a vertical for #9 that made me choose horizontal instead. I wonder. I just know that I didn’t prefer it. Raindrops on screens are sort of trite, I think, but like spider webs with dew, it’s hard not to find them appealing. I also think sunsets are trite as photographs (but not as real events in the world). But again, I couldn’t resist. I didn’t think about hauling around that hose. Ugh.


      September 15, 2019 at 9:26 PM

  6. Hi. Great reading your post.


    November 13, 2022 at 11:42 AM

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